The Winning Combo: Getting Customers and Keeping Them
Patricia Grace

The Winning Combo: Getting Customers and Keeping Them

8 bulan yang lalu 2 MENIT MEMBACA

In business, we often talk about marketing and product quality. Marketing gets people interested, but it’s the product that keeps them coming back. Finding the right balance between the two is crucial.

Marketing is like the spark that ignites interest. It gets people curious and willing to try something new. Through ads and promotions, brands catch people’s attention and make them want to give their products a shot. But if the product doesn’t live up to expectations, all that effort can go to waste.

Let’s take Gojek, for example. They changed the game in Indonesia with their ride-hailing and delivery services. Their catchy ads and deals made them famous, but what really sets them apart is how easy and reliable their app is. Booking a ride or ordering food is a breeze, and that’s what keeps customers coming back.

But here’s the thing: no amount of marketing can make up for a bad product. Customers today have plenty of options, and if a product doesn’t deliver, they’ll go somewhere else. That’s where product quality comes in.

Take a look at Sari Roti, a household name in Indonesia for bread and bakery products. They use smart marketing to get people interested, but what keeps customers loyal is their focus on quality. Their bread is always fresh, tasty, and made with top-notch ingredients. Whether it’s for breakfast or a snack, customers trust Sari Roti to deliver.

So, what’s the secret to keeping customers happy? It’s simple: keep learning about what they want. By staying up-to-date on trends and preferences, businesses can adapt and make sure their products hit the mark. This not only helps businesses grow but also builds a stronger bond with customers, leading to long-term success.

In the end, while marketing grabs attention, it’s the product that seals the deal. By finding the right balance and delivering value, brands can build lasting relationships with their customers.

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Related article: The Power of Storytelling: Why Brands That Tell Great Stories Win Big

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