Understanding Indonesian Consumers’ Health Practices: Between Prevention and Treatment
Prabu Nusantara

Understanding Indonesian Consumers’ Health Practices: Between Prevention and Treatment

1 minggu yang lalu 7 MENIT MEMBACA

Today, health awareness among young Indonesians is rising, yet their approach to healthcare remains a combination of preventive and reactive measures. While they acknowledge the importance of maintaining their well-being through diet, exercise, and supplements, their health-related decisions are often influenced by convenience, affordability, and access to reliable medical services.

This article presents key insights from a qualitative study conducted by Populix to understand how young Indonesians engage with healthcare. Through a series of in-depth and focus group discussions, the study uncovers the motivations, behaviors, and barriers influencing their health-related decisions.

Preventive Healthcare: Awareness vs. Implementation Gap

Source: Freepik

Young Indonesians are increasingly aware of the benefits of preventive healthcare, yet this awareness does not always translate into consistent behavior. Most participants indicate an intention to maintain their health proactively, but actual implementation remains inconsistent due to lifestyle constraints, work schedules, and financial considerations.

Dietary Adjustments & Nutritional Supplements

Many participants reported making conscious efforts to adopt healthier eating habits, such as reducing fried foods and processed sugar while increasing vegetable intake. However, consistently maintaining these habits remains a challenge, especially among those with demanding work schedules.

“Saya sebenarnya tahu kalau harus lebih banyak makan sayur dan kurangin gorengan, tapi kadang susah kalau kerjaan sibuk.”
(“I am actually aware that I should eat more vegetables and cut down on fried foods, but when work gets busy, I end up eating whatever is available.”)

To compensate for dietary gaps, many young Indonesians rely on vitamins and supplement consumption as an accessible form of health maintenance. Vitamin C, D, and zinc are widely consumed for immunity support, with participants perceiving them as an easy and effective way to stay healthy.

“Setiap pagi saya minum vitamin C, D, dan zinc. Itu cara paling gampang biar nggak gampang sakit.”
(“Every morning, I take Vitamin C, D, and zinc. It’s the easiest way to stay healthy.”)

Exercise & Physical Activity

Physical activity is recognized as an important component of a healthy lifestyle. However, while some participants engage in light exercise such as walking, cycling, or gym workouts; regular and structured exercise remains sporadic rather than habitual. Time constraints and motivation issues are commonly cited as barriers to maintaining an active lifestyle.

Vaccination & Routine Health Check-ups

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, young Indonesians have developed a greater recognition of vaccinations as a preventive measure. Many respondents consider vaccinations an essential part of health protection, particularly for flu prevention and travel requirements.

In contrast, routine lab tests and health screenings are far less common, as they are often perceived as unnecessary unless there is an existing health concern. Participants indicated that lab tests are typically conducted only when symptoms arise or when requested by a doctor.

“Saya nggak pernah kepikiran cek darah kalau nggak ada keluhan. Baru kepikiran kalau badan sudah mulai nggak enak.”
(“I never think about getting a blood test unless I feel unwell. It only crosses my mind when my body starts feeling off.”)

This indicates that while preventive vaccinations are widely accepted, the practice of regular health monitoring through screenings and lab tests remains low among young consumers.

Reactive Healthcare: The Dominance of Symptom-Based Treatment

Source: Freepik

Despite a growing interest in preventive healthcare, young Indonesians predominantly rely on reactive healthcare practices, seeking medical attention only when symptoms become persistent or discomforting.

Self-Medication as a First Line of Treatment

When experiencing minor ailments such as headaches, colds, or digestive discomfort, most respondents report self-medicating with over-the-counter medicines or traditional herbal remedies before consulting a healthcare professional. This approach is often driven by habit, cost-saving considerations, and a belief that minor illnesses do not require a doctor’s visit.

“Kalau sakit kepala atau flu, saya coba minum obat dulu. Kalau belum sembuh baru ke dokter.”
(“If I have a headache or flu, I will try taking medicine first. If it doesn’t get better, then I will see a doctor.”)

Vitamin IV Therapy & Lab Tests as Reactive Measures

While some individuals use vitamin IV therapy proactively, most only seek these treatments when they experience extreme fatigue, post-illness recovery, or feeling exhausted from work or travel. This suggests that the adoption of home-based wellness treatments remains largely reactive rather than preventive.

“Saya pakai vitamin IV kalau badan sudah terasa lemas banget, biasanya setelah perjalanan jauh atau lembur berhari-hari.”
(“I get a vitamin IV when my body feels extremely lethargy, usually after long trips or days of overtime work.”)

Similarly, lab tests are perceived as necessary only when symptoms persist, rather than as a proactive health monitoring tool.

Related article: Understanding Health Through the Lens of Indonesian Consumers: A Multidimensional Perspective

Challenges in Maintaining Health

While young Indonesians recognize the importance of healthcare, several key barriers limit their ability to engage in consistent preventive healthcare practices:

  1. Time Constraints & Lifestyle Factors → Busy work schedules and urban living environments make it challenging to maintain consistent health routines, including meal preparation and exercise.
  2. Financial Considerations → Routine medical check-ups and lab tests are often perceived as costly, leading many to delay medical visits unless symptoms persist.
  3. Misinformation from Social Media → Many young Indonesians rely on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube for health advice, which can sometimes lead to misinformation or self-diagnosis.
  4. Limited Awareness About the Benefits of Early Detection → Many consumers do not recognize the long-term benefits of routine health check-ups, instead prioritizing treatment only when symptoms appear.

“Cek kesehatan itu penting, tapi kalau nggak ada gejala, rasanya belum perlu.”
(“Health check-ups are important, but if there are no symptoms, it feels unnecessary.”)

Implications for Healthcare Providers & Homecare Services

With these insights in mind, healthcare providers and homecare services have opportunities to:

  • Promote Preventive Healthcare as a Lifestyle Choice → Encouraging young Indonesians to view routine lab tests, vaccinations, and vitamin IV therapy as essential components of overall wellness rather than just treatments.
  • Enhance Health Education Through Digital Platforms → Since many young consumers rely on social media for health advice, trusted healthcare providers should use digital platforms to provide credible and engaging health content.
  • Address Cost Concerns by Offering Affordable Health Packages → Subscription-based health plans or bundled check-up services can make preventive healthcare more financially accessible.
  • Leverage Convenience & Homecare Solutions → Given young Indonesians’ busy lifestyles, expanding home-based medical services (such as vaccinations, blood tests, and IV therapy) could increase healthcare adoption.

Conclusion: Toward a More Proactive Healthcare Mindset

While young Indonesians are increasingly aware of the importance of maintaining their health, preventive healthcare is not yet a deeply ingrained habit. Many still take a reactive approach, delaying medical check-ups until symptoms appear. To shift consumer behavior towards a more proactive healthcare mindset, stakeholders must address barriers related to affordability, convenience, and health education.

However, it is important to recognize that Indonesian consumers’ attitudes and behaviors toward health are not static. They are dynamically shaped by cultural influences, social norms, and the broader discourse surrounding health in media and online spaces. Social media platforms, particularly TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, play a significant role in shaping perceptions of wellness, preventive care, and treatment options. The increasing visibility of health-related conversations online—ranging from fitness trends to alternative medicine—continuously influences how young consumers make health decisions.

As a result, the future of healthcare engagement in Indonesia will evolve alongside societal changes and digital health narratives. For healthcare providers and brands, understanding these shifting dynamics and actively participating in these conversations will be crucial to bridge the gap between awareness and action. By making healthcare services more transparent, accessible, and engaging, young Indonesians can move toward a future where preventive health becomes a routine, rather than an afterthought.


Writer’s bio

Prabu is an experienced qualitative researcher with over 13 years in the consumer research industry. His expertise lies in healthcare and UX research, driven by a passion for understanding and improving the consumer experience. Prabu holds a master’s degree in social psychology of health and is also a cancer survivor. In his free time, he volunteers as a patient advocate and navigator for cancer patients, bringing his professional expertise and personal experience to support others on their healthcare journey.

populix research service

Related article: Managing Health in Modern Life: Balancing Mental Well-being, Stress, and Career Advancement

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