Managing Health in Modern Life: Balancing Mental Well-being, Stress, and Career Advancement
Prabu Nusantara

Managing Health in Modern Life: Balancing Mental Well-being, Stress, and Career Advancement

2 bulan yang lalu 7 MENIT MEMBACA


In today’s fast-paced world, pursuing a healthy life requires a more holistic approach that equally emphasizes physical and mental health. This article is based on research conducted by Populix among young adult workers in major cities across Indonesia, including Jakarta, Medan, Padang, Jogja, Surabaya, and Makassar. Findings from recent focus group discussions (FGDs) revealed that consumers’ health concerns are multifaceted, with mental health and stress management being at the forefront. Individuals are increasingly aware that work pressures, family responsibilities, and career advancement challenges are all interconnected and can significantly affect their well-being. Balancing these demands is crucial not only for mental clarity but also for maintaining physical health and long-term productivity.

The Impact of Stress on Mental and Physical Health

Across the board, participants expressed that stress, particularly from the workplace, profoundly affects their mental health. For many, the demands of career progression, financial stability, and family responsibilities are intertwined, creating a sense of pressure that is difficult to manage. One participant highlighted the difficulty of managing these stressors simultaneously, noting how emotional strain from both the workplace and home can erode mental stability:

“Tekanan dari kantor, yang bisa buat mental kita jadi down, tambah lagi ada pembicaraan dari keluarga yang bisa merusak mental kita.”
— FGD 3, Sumatra, 28-36 y.o.

This statement underscores the challenges many people face in separating work from personal life, where stress bleeds across boundaries, impacting mental health. Without effective coping mechanisms, the accumulation of stress can lead to more serious mental health conditions, which in turn affect physical health. Several participants discussed how prolonged mental strain can lead to physical symptoms such as fatigue, poor sleep, and even chronic conditions like high blood pressure. Thus, psychological and physical health interplay becomes apparent, where one significantly influences the other.

Work-Life Balance as a Critical Factor for Well-being

Source: Freepik

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance emerged as a central theme among the participants. Many acknowledged that failing to set clear boundaries between work and personal life led to burnout, adversely affecting both mental and physical well-being. The pressure to consistently improve work performance while managing personal responsibilities created a cycle of stress that often spiraled out of control.

One participant described this challenge, explaining that unmanaged stress from their job made it harder to function effectively both at work and at home:

“Banyak yang dikerjakan, kalau mental tidak terjaga itu, kan, bisa stress, bisa rumit semua pekerjaan.”
— FGD 3, Sumatra, 28-36 y.o.

The sentiment resonates with many who face the challenge of juggling multiple roles—whether as employees, parents, or partners. Without a balanced approach, stress disrupts not only personal effectiveness but also overall well-being. Many participants felt that mental health preservation was essential to maintaining productivity, both personally and professionally, with several respondents emphasizing the need for a structured balance between work and relaxation.

Balancing Career Advancement and Health

Another key theme was the tension between career advancement and maintaining good health. As participants pursued higher professional goals, many recognized that this often came at the expense of their well-being. The need to continuously improve skills, meet performance targets, and navigate office politics put immense pressure on individuals to prioritize career progression, sometimes at the cost of their well-being.

One young professional from Jabodetabek reflected on this challenge:

“Jadi karena kayak gitu kita harus skill improve di pekerjaan.”
— FGD 1, Jabodetabek, 22-27 y.o.

For many, this drive to succeed created an inherent conflict between career aspirations and the need to manage stress and physical health. Without adequate attention to self-care, the pursuit of professional growth often leads to burnout, decreased productivity, and even long-term health complications. Participants acknowledged that health must be prioritized alongside career development, as neglecting well-being would ultimately hinder their success in the long run. This realization sparked discussions about the need for companies to provide mental health support and promote healthy work environments to safeguard employees’ well-being.

The Importance of Stress Management for Physical Health

Stress management emerged as a pivotal factor in maintaining physical health. Participants recognized that if stress, whether from work or family, was not managed effectively, it would inevitably affect their physical health. Stress-related illnesses such as high blood pressure, chronic fatigue, and digestive issues were frequently mentioned by participants who had experienced prolonged stress.

“Saya coba atasi stress dengan olahraga, karena kalau nggak diimbangi bisa sakit. Kadang sudah ada tanda-tanda seperti tekanan darah naik.”
— FGD 2, Jabodetabek, 28-36 y.o.

Respondents discussed preventive measures they had adopted to manage stress, such as regular exercise, better nutrition, and mindfulness practices. For example, many believed that by prioritizing mental health, they could better maintain physical health and, in turn, perform better in their professional and personal lives. The emphasis on preventive health highlights the shift in perspective from treating illness to proactively managing both mental and physical well-being.

A Holistic Approach to Health in Modern Life

The insights gathered from the FGDs show that health concerns are deeply interconnected, with mental, physical, and professional factors all influencing each other. Managing stress is a key to achieving both mental and physical well-being. Many respondents emphasized that maintaining mental health through stress management and balancing career and personal life were essential for preventing burnout and ensuring long-term productivity.

By adopting a more holistic approach, where both mental and physical health are prioritized, individuals can better navigate the pressures of modern life. The findings also suggest that companies and institutions should play a more active role in supporting employees’ mental health and promoting work-life balance, as this would not only benefit employees but also enhance workplace productivity and job satisfaction.

In conclusion, achieving a balanced and healthy life requires individuals to manage stress, maintain a healthy work-life balance, and prioritize preventive health measures. In doing so, they can protect their mental health, enhance their physical well-being, and ensure they can meet the demands of modern life with resilience and energy. 

Recommendations for Stakeholders

Based on findings from Populix’s study, several key recommendations emerge for stakeholders—including employers, healthcare providers, and policymakers—to foster a healthier workforce by supporting the mental and physical well-being of young adult workers in Indonesia. 

Employers can create a more supportive work environment by implementing mental health policies that offer flexible working arrangements, stress management programs, and access to mental health resources. Establishing a culture of support through regular check-ins, reasonable work expectations, and clear boundaries between work and personal time can alleviate workplace stress, reduce burnout, and improve overall morale. Additionally, organizations can protect work-life balance by limiting after-hours communication, encouraging full disconnects during personal time, and facilitating resources like counseling and mindfulness workshops that address work-related stress and personal challenges.

Moreover, healthcare providers and policymakers play a crucial role by promoting preventive health practices and developing targeted initiatives for young adults. Public health campaigns can raise awareness about stress management, the importance of nutrition and exercise, and the need for mental resilience, empowering individuals to take proactive steps in managing their health. Health insurers should expand coverage to include mental health services, recognizing its critical impact on overall health. Access to wellness programs, such as group exercise sessions and stress reduction classes, can equip individuals with practical tools to balance physical and mental well-being. Together, these recommendations create a supportive ecosystem that empowers young adult workers to thrive both professionally and personally, strengthening Indonesia’s workforce resilience and productivity.

Note on the Research Methodology

This article is based on Populix’s internal study on the perception of safety and security among young adult workers in major cities in Indonesia, including Padang, Medan, Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, and Makassar. The study used a qualitative approach, with online focus group discussions (FGDs) as the primary data collection method. The discussions were transcribed by a professional transcriptionist and subsequently analyzed using MAXQDA, a computer-assisted qualitative analysis software. The analysis was conducted using an interpretative and inductive reasoning approach to identify emerging themes and insights from the participants’ experiences and perspectives.

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Baca juga: Understanding Health Through the Lens of Indonesian Consumers: A Multidimensional Perspective

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