Understanding Health Through the Lens of Indonesian Consumers: A Multidimensional Perspective
Prabu Nusantara

Understanding Health Through the Lens of Indonesian Consumers: A Multidimensional Perspective

1 bulan yang lalu 6 MENIT MEMBACA

In Indonesia, understanding health is evolving into a multidimensional framework that includes physical, mental, and financial well-being. This shift reflects broader societal changes in how individuals perceive their health and the proactive measures they take to maintain it.

Insights from a recent qualitative research study conducted by Populix among young adult Indonesian consumers highlight these evolving perceptions. The study used Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), with six FGDs conducted across regions, each lasting 2.5 hours.

The data was analyzed using an inductive coding approach with MAXQDA, a qualitative computer-assisted analytical software. The findings provide key insights into what health means to Indonesian consumers and the emphasis they place on prevention and mental health awareness.

Understanding Health as a Multidimensional Concept

Understanding Health
Source: Freepik

For Indonesian consumers, health extends beyond the absence of illness. It is an essential part of daily life, enabling individuals to fulfill their responsibilities both at work and at home. The consumers in the study expressed that being healthy means being able to “do everything well” without limitations. In this sense, health is synonymous with productivity and the ability to function optimally in both personal and professional life.

Beyond the functional aspect, Indonesian consumers view health as a state that requires continuous effort and maintenance. Many emphasized the need for preventative actions, such as eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, and managing stress. This indicates a growing awareness that health is not only reactive—seeking medical attention when sick—but also proactive, involving daily actions that preserve and enhance well-being.

Additionally, access to technology plays a significant role in health management. Digital health platforms like telemedicine and JKN Mobile are becoming essential tools for Indonesian consumers to monitor and maintain their health. These platforms offer not only convenience but also a modern approach to healthcare management, reflecting a tech-savvy mindset in maintaining overall well-being.

Related article: Navigating Health Risks: Indonesian Young Adults’ Well-being

The Meaning of Being Healthy

Indonesian consumers define being healthy primarily as being free from physical ailments, such as colds or chronic conditions. However, they also emphasize the importance of mental health. Several consumers acknowledged that maintaining emotional stability and seeking mental health consultations are crucial to their overall well-being. This points to a growing recognition of mental health as a vital component of a healthy lifestyle.

Being healthy is also closely tied to productivity. Consumers often mention that good health enables them to perform their jobs effectively and fulfill daily obligations without disruption. In this context, health extends beyond the physical to include the capacity to meet both social and work-related responsibilities.

Balanced living is another key theme. Several consumers shared that they actively strive to lead balanced lifestyles by eating well, exercising, and managing stress. This reflects increasing awareness of the importance of a holistic approach to health, particularly as they grow older and become more conscious of lifestyle-related diseases like diabetes. This holistic understanding underscores a more comprehensive view of health in the modern Indonesian society.

The Experience of Being Sick

For Indonesian consumers, being sick is not limited to physical discomfort but encompasses significant social, economic, and emotional impacts. When discussing illness, consumers referred not only to physical symptoms but also to the financial burdens that accompany sickness. Many noted that illness often leads to lost productivity and increased healthcare costs, particularly for those in freelance or daily wage jobs. This highlights the profound effect sickness can have on financial security.

Illness is seen as a disruption to daily life, particularly for those with chronic conditions. Consumers expressed concerns about the long-term consequences of such illnesses, which could lead to job loss and financial instability. This connection between health and financial security is a critical dimension of how sickness is viewed in Indonesia.

Mental health struggles also emerged as an important aspect of illness. Consumers identified stress from work, family, and financial pressures as factors that significantly affect their overall well-being. Mental health conditions, though less visible than physical ailments, were viewed as equally debilitating, with many consumers seeking ways to manage these stressors. This growing focus on mental health underscores a broader understanding of the toll illness can take on one’s life.

A Broader Understanding of Health

This research emphasizes that Indonesian consumers see health as more than just a personal condition—it is vital to leading a productive, balanced life. Health is closely linked to one’s ability to work, manage stress, and prevent illness through lifestyle choices. The research shows that being healthy is about more than avoiding sickness; it involves proactive maintenance and conscious effort to balance all aspects of life, including physical and mental well-being.

Conversely, illness is not solely about experiencing symptoms. It is seen as a significant disruption, affecting physical comfort, financial stability, and productivity. As Indonesian consumers become increasingly aware of the long-term effects of chronic illness and mental health struggles, they are taking steps to prevent these disruptions by making informed lifestyle choices and using digital tools to monitor their health.

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Conclusion Implications for Businesses and Policymakers

In conclusion, health for Indonesian consumers is a multidimensional concept that encompasses physical, mental, and financial well-being. The findings of this research have significant implications for both businesses and policymakers. For businesses, especially those in the health and wellness sector, recognizing that health is a multidimensional concept can inform the development of more holistic products and services. Companies can capitalize on the increasing demand for preventive health measures and mental health support by offering services that cater to both physical and emotional well-being. The increased reliance on digital health platforms also presents an opportunity for businesses to innovate in telemedicine, health apps, and health monitoring technologies.

For policymakers, the research highlights the need for policies that support a comprehensive approach to health, addressing not only physical health but also mental and financial well-being. Investments in digital infrastructure to support telemedicine and health platforms like telemedicine apps and JKN Mobile can increase accessibility to healthcare services, especially in remote areas. Additionally, policies that promote mental health awareness and provide resources for preventive healthcare will align with the evolving needs of Indonesian consumers, ensuring that health initiatives are both relevant and effective in improving overall well-being.

By addressing these insights, both businesses and policymakers can contribute to fostering a healthier, more productive society in Indonesia.


Writer’s bio

Prabu is an experienced qualitative researcher with over 13 years in the consumer research industry. His expertise lies in healthcare and UX research, driven by a passion for understanding and improving the consumer experience. Prabu holds a master’s degree in social psychology of health and is also a cancer survivor. In his free time, he volunteers as a patient advocate and navigator for cancer patients, bringing his professional expertise and personal experience to support others on their healthcare journey.

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